Careers Editing

Alberta Employment and Immigration. 2011. Career and Workplace Resources Catalogue.

Alberta Employment and Immigration. 2011. Easy Reading Work and You Book 1: Make Some Job Choices

Alberta Employment and Immigration. 2011. Easy Reading Work and You Book 2: Decide on a Job

Alberta Employment and Immigration. 2011. Easy Reading Work and You Help for Career Advisors.

Alberta Employment and Immigration. 2010. What Works: Career-building Strategies for People from Diverse Groups

  • Edited and revised the 2006 edition of this resource, originally produced by a partnership of the Alberta and federal governments. To view all 13 chapters, download PDFs at Alberta Learning Information Services eProducts & Services.

Alberta Employment and Immigration. 2002 to 2010 editions. Time to Choose. . . a Post-Secondary Education Program. For each edition I prepared more than 20 pages of charts identifying the locations of postsecondary programs.